The "KEY" To Subterranean Wealth

Investor’s Introduction to Hydro-Mining
Green Mining & Franchise Mining

This is the most comprehensive New Age mining and real estate proposal for investors today.
It begins by modernizing today's "Borehole Mining" process into an efficient eco-friendly system coupled with financing plans designed to ignite a "gold rush" for virgin subterranean wealth.
Borehole mining is an efficient process for mining resources, but historically not for mining heavy material such as gold. "Hydro-Mining" is the improved patented version that specifically targets recovery of heavy metals, gems, rare earths, and other resources in deep placers and lode deposits too difficult to recover otherwise.
Hydro-Mining is the modern "key" for recovery of these vast virgin resources that offers profit opportunities including:
- Lease to own turn-key "kiosk" drilling/mining rig,
- Franchise miners to own/operate leased rigs,
- Royalties paid for life of drilling/mining rig,
- Continuing intellectual property development,
- Exploration and cataloging mineral resources,
- Mineral rights real estate acquisition and contracts,
- Making market for unrefined gold in banking,
- 5 year exit strategy with $1b minimum in equity,
There are two objectives for funding this proposal. The first is a $4.0m seed capital investment that sets up a relatively quick initial public offering (IPO) called "Reg A+". The second is a $5.0m seed capital investment that will quickly fund prototype development with resulting gold production. Both objectives result in a funded IPO and finished prototype within two years; however, the $5.0m prototype objective will provide two sources for payback (or conversion) of seed capital - gold production and public funding. The IPO objective, will have a quicker payback but no alternative for gold production within 24 months. Upon reviewing questions 11 and 12 on this opening page, it should be clear that prototype development ($5m for $6m), although somewhat risky, has many more benefits.
1. Where on this planet can you locate gold paying an ounce to the yard or more?
There are thousands of locations from 30 feet to several thousand feet just below the surface. There is more gold below the surface than all that has been mined on the surface…(read more).
2. Why have these rich deposits not been mined?
Some have been mined with open pits, hydraulic cannons, drifting, borehole mining; but, most have not due to environmental issues, permitting, and exorbitant costs,…(read more).
3. So, how do you mine these deposits?
To mine these virgin deposits and more, a new patented drill/mining process called Hydro-Mining will be used. It is eco-friendly, with minimal permitting, predictable costs, uses franchise management, is operated from the surface and has many highlights of interest…(read more).
4. In detail - what is Hydro-Mining?
Hydro-Mining is an in situ “green mining” process that mines in place – meaning most of the mining takes place underground with little environmental disturbance … (read more).
5. The core component of this process is the sonic drill. How is this different from using other drills?
To begin with the sonic drill is extremely fast. It has attributes using acoustic energy that reduces resistance in fluid flow and is much more adaptable to mining verses just drilling… (read more).
6. Okay, Hydro-Mining has methods and system patents with staggering profit potential, what now?
Small mining companies, including some juniors have incredibly inefficient and weak managers that use best guess scenarios for decisions. Hydro-Mining is a much more exact process and will be governed by non-mining managers well versed in good business practices. They will use a franchise approach and sell Hydro-Mining Units as franchises to owner/operators…(read more).
7. Who is HERC and exactly what does HERC do as the franchisor?
To begin with, and using the IPO objective model, HERC will raise $4m in seed capital to begin the mining franchise process. The seed capital funds will be used to purchase a Beta drill and begin testing Alpha components and exploring for Alpha locations. It will also establish a public company for financing the Alpha Units and form a limited partnership to hold the mineral rights…(read more).
8. What’s in it for me as a seed capital investor?
The $4m in convertible debt is due within 24 months. It is issued with an original issue discount of $1m meaning the investor will receive $5m for a $4m investment at anytime within the 24 months if it is paid off. If the debt is converted to 20% equity with the IPO objective, the investor could receive $20m+ in five years as part of an exit strategy. The $20m+ is designed to be tax free…(read more).
9. The placer gold cryptocurrency idea is unique, but explain how Hydro-Mining will create a Gold Rush?
Hydro-Mining is a new process for mining deep placers that no one has been able to efficiently mine before. It is fast, efficient, eco-friendly, mobile, operated by a small crew and can be had for nothing more than a franchise contract. The only thing missing is the mineral rights…(read more).
10. O’kay, I’m interested. How do I become a seed capital investor?
First and foremost, the proper documentation must be presented for your understanding that risk is always present in any new financial adventure. A “Private Placement Memorandum” (PPM) with subscription documents will be prepared for this purpose. This pending PPM may be prepared differently than the proposed business plan presented herein and is open to better ideas depending on your preferred investment vehicle – which will be discussed…(read more - Flowcharts Included).
11. The Franchisee’s and his/her Gold Kiosk (Alpha Unit) will feed the entire industry. Show me the Gold!
What is really good about this franchise approach is one Gold Kiosk (Alpha Unit Franchise) is a reflection of all the others. With that in mind, if efficiencies and costs are all pretty much the same, the only variables are time, location and commodity price. Profit begins with breakeven…(read more - Flowcharts Included).
12. Conclusion – why not take a chance with the Beta Unit and net 6,550 ounces in ten months? Choices?
As explained in question #10 herein, nothing is engraved in granite but more like engraved in gold (much more malleable). There are three basic choices that HERC can make, subject to seed investor’s agreement (MOU), that puts a priority on either the formation of the IPO; and/or, prototype completion and Alpha Unit gold production…(read more – Flowcharts Included).
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